But there are moments, like this one when I just feel the urge to sit down and write about the here and now... about this slice of time just for what it is. Pardon as this will be rather stream of conscious.

I'd love to say that is the reason I've been up too late, but its really not. Yes, I absolutely would rather comfort her first, go to bed after, instead of getting into bed and getting really sleepy, then having to roust myself. But... that's an excuse and I know it.
There is just so much on my mind lately and I mistakenly believe that if I just stay up a little longer, tire myself out a little more, that I'll fall asleep easier or quicker. Frankly though, that's not how it works for me and never has been. I'll still get into bed and lay there for 40 minutes, brain rapid firing at me every scenario beyond my control. I'll just be doing it a bit later, and a bit more grumpy because I'm that much sleepier. Why do human's do that? Why do I allow myself to focus on things that I cannot change? Situations that need to develop on their own before I can have any say in them?
It would be much healthier to just release them and let them run their course until they have developed to the point where I can actually make decisions, but that is much easier said that done, no?
I've been trying to use meditative thought practices during these times (see the words/thought, acknowledge it, let it leave) but it has been only semi-successful.
I need to practice "parenting" myself a little more. Play the what would I say/do if it were Gwen instead of me game. And the answer is always, "Get some sleep... it will look/feel/be better in the morning."
So with that thought... goodnight.
Written last night at 10:40 p.m. ::sigh::
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