My gift to my Mom was a gift of time spent doing something she absolutely loves... gardening. We met at a local nursery to buy some flowers, then headed to their house for some lunch. Afterwards my mom and I got to work.
We pulled out the old roots, and set to work arranging the new flowers. Four of these bench planters... and a decorative wheelbarrow later, our nails were thoroughly dirty, and we were quite satisfied.
I can't wait to see how they look when they start to fill out in a few weeks.
While we did the gardening (and rounded out the afternoon by relaxing outside and enjoying the view), Trav and Gwen headed to check out something we didn't realize was happening today until we got up to the area... Lehigh Valley ComicCon!
It was a great coincidence, as was Gwen's shirt choice...
Gwen had an awesome time - as did Trav - and my Mom and I really enjoyed the quiet time together. It was a great day!
Our Sunday, was just as nice. I got to sleep in, which is always the ultimate present. Then had the breakfast of my choice (french toast and bacon). My sweet girl gave me her sweet gift.
Trav and Gwen did tennis, while I took a leisurely shower. Then we all hung out with our great neighbors for a few hours.
A really good weekend!
Happy Mother's Day!
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