I have lots of random things on my mind today, so I hope you'll bear with my as I throw them all out haphazardly. I'll mix in some cute pictures of Gwen to sweeten the pot.
- We've been look around a bit lately at houses. We've been thinking about moving forever, but have kicked it up a notch lately. We'll be registering Gwen for kindergarten in the spring (what the what?!), so I'd love to be moved by then. I'm finding the whole thing exciting and overwhelming. We've always known we'd want to move into a single house (vs. our twin), in a better school district (the schools in this district only score between a 2 and 4... out of 10!), with another bathroom (we currently have one)... but its hard to think about leaving our currently place. Our neighbors are amazing and we love them, and our mortgage payments are lovely. But that's not enough of a reason to stay. The areas we are looking in have schools rated at 9s or 10s, they are closer to Trav's work, closer to Ro and Pat, and close to a lot of other things we love (including my yoga studio!).
Loving her new superman doll! A gift from our fabulous neighbors! |
- Why do most places in the area not offer full-day kindergarten? This is annoying me to no end. Seriously, my kid has been in full-day programs since she was 12 weeks old, she can handle full-day kindergarten. We are absolutely not the only parents working full-time, so its rather frustrating. Thankfully the place does bus to a local daycare, but that means she'll be going to two new schools... and I'll also be paying for half-day daycare, plus probably aftercare still. Lame.
- Gwen is fun and sweet and sociable, but I'm still a little terrified of my little girl going off to a big school with all new people and making all new friends. I'm a rational person, I know she will be fine. I also know that in this life she will suffer heartache and encounter rude people. But look at that face! It kills me to think of her being hurt, encountering bullies, or feeling lonely without the kids she grown with for the past 4+ years. I'm assuming/hoping that I'm blowing this all up in my head to more then it needs to be, and to Gwen when it comes time to discuss such things I will be nothing but excited and positive, but frankly I'm finding it to be a bit overwhelming, and even scary. Tell me I'm not the only one to feel this way.
- My baby is growing up too fast.
- I finally sat down and looked at how many weeks were left in my class vs. how much work I still have to do, and was happy to discover that I was a little ahead of the game! Woo-hoo. If I play my cards right, and keep the pace up, I might be able to get away with only working on homework while in Cape Cod at the end of the month and not having to do any classes. Yay!
- Thanks to my random day off with Gwen this Friday, taking a day for my birthday, and then our Cape Cod days, I'm only working one Friday this month! I could get used to this schedule. I think the month is going to fly by!
Okay, I guess that's all I have for now. Thanks for humoring my brain dump, and I welcome your thoughts. Off to eat some lunch!
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