In our neighborhood:
And in my front flower bed!
When the weather warms up after a cold winter, I always get the urge to "do." Cook more, clean more, just do more. This weekend was no exception!
Tally-le and Eddan came over to enjoy the spring weather on Saturday.
They hung around all morning, then headed home after lunch. We had a few things to get done inside, but mostly put them off... we basically couldn't get enough of the outdoors!
Some of us more then others...
Dinner guest... |
That night we fell asleep with the widows open for the first time this year! I can't tell you how good it feels to spend so much time with the windows thrown open. This house needed a good airing out, and its been getting it... finally!
Sunday we spent a lot of time outdoors again, but tempered it with a bit more indoor play/chores. I slept in a bit while Trav and Gwen ran to the store to grab mulch and bird seed. When I woke up, I took Gwen to ride her car on the tennis courts, while Trav tackled the last of the weeding, then the mulching of the front flower bed. We hooked our water stone back up too!
After that Gwen and I got showered and clothed and ready for the day. She hung out with neighbor Joe and his granddaughter Ava, while we did some work around the house... laundry, Trav grilled some lunch, I cleaned the mess that was our room (my pile of sorted out clothes to give away were still in a giant pile on the floor waiting for me to sort through the last of my drawers and laundry baskets, tons on laundry to put away too). It wasn't long before it was time to head over to the township's Easter egg hunt!
Gwen had a great time meeting the Easter bunny and grabbing some eggs.
My admin made them the other week, and when she shared, I knew I had to make them too!
Gwen and Trav were back in soon enough, so Gwen joined me upstairs for more work on our rooms. The stripped and not yet remade bed became a airplane which flew us (and a selection of her stuffed animals) to "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" (aka Disney) to ride the rides.
I finished upstairs just in time to come down and make my favorite Mac and Yeasty Cheese, then dinner and getting Gwen to bed a little early. After a little lamenting the always too short weekend, it was off to bed for us too. With the window open. ::happy sigh::
Now another busy week ahead!
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~ Meegs