Dear Gwen,
From your first manicure to your first sleepover at Nonnie and Papa's, this has been a big year for you. You weaned this year and you potty trained. You are growing out of your 3T clothes. You rode your first rollercoaster (then your second, and your third... man do you love those things!). You are writing letters and reading them, know how to spell your name and some of your friend's names.

Gwen its crazy to realize just how big a part of me you are right now. You are no long my little baby who needs my coddling, but you are still just as much an extension of me. You have become a part of my essence, the external manifestation of my life force. You are one of my biggest influences to do better, to be better. Watching the way you live life makes me want to be as irrepressibly vivacious as you are!
You are a caring "Mama" to your dolls and stuffed animals. You wear them in your carrier, take them to the doctor or dentist, and set them all up in forts that we build out on chairs and sheets. A half dozen of them sleep with you every night, though which exact ones grace your bed changes by the week. You've gotten so much better at playing independently, which is great with all the snow days/work from home days we've been having this winter.
You love the color blue, and I've noticed that your favorite shirts are the two you have with blue stripes. I don't know if its coincidence, or if a subconscious modeling, but I wear a ton of striped shirts myself. It makes me happy to think you might be doing it to be a little like me.
You love fleece pants, and refuse to wear any dresses right now. Your favorite pajamas are your Superman PJs, your Jake and the Neverland Pirates PJs, and your Spiderman PJs. You love wearing boots so much that you wore through a pair this winter and we had to go get you another.
When asked how old you are, you happily proclaim your 4-ness; and are quick to point out that next you will be 5, then 6, then 7... Which whoa child! Slow down!
Gwenie, the years just zip by and I am torn by my desire to slow it all down and not have you grow up any quicker then you have to, while at the same time looking forward with so much eagerness to who you are becoming. I cannot wait to see what you will be passionate about as you get older, because I already know that whatever it is will be lucky to be graced with your exuberance.
Love you more then all the snowflakes,
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