That night I checked the first thing off my list... converting Gwen's crib to a toddler bed. And how did the transition go? Well, you'll have to check here to see: Connected Mom. ;-)
I can't wait to make some yummy dressings and do some cooking with both of them.
A quick stop at the grocery store (yay for finally having food in the house again!!) and we were back home. Gwen got some playtime in at the neighbor's, and Trav and I took advantage to get some stuff done around the house. Vacuuming, unpacking the last of the suitcases, straightening, and sorting through Gwen's closet to pack away everything that's too small, and add in the winter stuff that's been in a box waiting for cooler weather. It was so fast to get all of that done with Gwen occupied!
That evening, I headed out to Philly for the biggest yoga class I've ever attended!
It was pretty awesome! I'm dying to attend a Wanderlust weekend retreat/festival, so doing the Block Party was a nice start.
There is something really rejuvenating about yoga under a bright, blue sky!
Sunday we met Ro, Pat, and the girls at Longwood Gardens. It was gorgeous as always, and we managed to wander into some areas we hadn't explored much before.
One walkway in particular had the most amazing colors!!
And ended with a little "secret garden."
It was a very fun (and very tiring!) day out. When we got home, I enjoyed some quiet time cooking (chicken pot pie!), while Trav took Gwen to a nearby playground... then the two of them collapsed into a chair together to zone out to some football.
It was pretty cute.
All-in-all, a great, full weekend.
I would love to do yoga outside like that!! We have the ocean here but it's so terribly windy... I need to find a good spot.