Dear Gwenivere,
Today you are seven months, and I'll admit, this one really snuck up on me. Its not that I can't believe you are this age, but that the past month was so busy and full that I really didn't realize another 31 days had gone. Earlier this week people were asking how old you were and I was saying, 6 and a half. But nope, its the 16th already, and another month has flown by.
And what a month, I can't believe all the things you are doing now. Lets see... you easily crawl all over, and can put yourself into a sitting position. You pull up on all sorts of things, and love to practice standing. You say "mama" and are starting to enjoy this eating thing a bit more. You are smiley and happy, sociable and sweet... though you do definitely prefer your mama at the moment. You also have the cutest giggle. And you're our growing girl... we just had to raise the straps on your carseat!
You had some special occasions this month, getting to spend big chunks of quality time with both of your grams (your Nana and your Nonnie). Nana was in town from Arizona for a wedding, and she watched you for a whole afternoon while your daddy and I worked. You guys took walks together and played on the floor. Your Nonnie came over to watch you all day one weekend, while I went to a friend's bridal shower and your daddy went to a meeting and a football game. You guys played with every toy in the house, and days later your Nonnie called me just to say again what a great time she had with you!

Gwenie, my love, sometimes my days at work are so hectic and its hard to catch my breath. Even the evenings can get so full. But none of that matters when you and your daddy get home, and you give me that first golden smile. You are my beautiful ending to whatever kind of day.
I love you.
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