
To Do:

1. Sort through the baskets of clothes laying in our room, slowly driving Travis crazy. Pack away maternity clothes, and see what regular clothes actually fit me. Put away those clothes and sort the rest into "love and will fit into again" or "goodwill." Make a list of any basics that are needed.

2. Start walking... though this one requires it to not be raining, and the temp to once again reach a level that I feel comfortable taking my baby out into. Supposed to happen this weekend!

3. Finish the damn post I started weeks ago about baby products I'm loving, and ones I'm not loving so much. I keep forgetting to work on it.

4. Decide between Mirena and ParaGard IUDs. We're waiting a few years before thinking about another... so another IUD is the way to go.

5. Convince Trav we should go to Disney for a long weekend next spring... I'm dying to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!

1 comment:

  1. Your list is very similar to mine! Minus the maturnety clothes ahah. Did you have an IUD before? I've been curious about those - but I knew someone that had one and said it was very painful at times. Also she had problems with weight b/c of the hormones, which I really have to be careful with b/c hormones are no good for me. I actually have the ring right now which works great! But the price goes up every time I get it.... I'm thinking I need another route for b.c.

    The weather is pretty nice out today, just the air is a little cool. But this weekend is supposed to be goregous!! Can't wait!!! :D


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~ Meegs