Besides work, which is still crazy... I have been very busy the past few days with trying to cross stuff off our "to do before Gwen arrives" list.
- I called 6 pediatricians... made appointments with 3, am getting info in the mail from 1, and will pick up info from another next week. The last is supposed to call me back Monday.
I ended up taking a day off of work since I already had a doc appt and our last birth class that day, so I was able to schedule 2 of the meet & greets for then as well. - I wrote out our "birthing hopes and fears" page for our midwives (they don't do a "birth plan"... but its a similar idea).
Key points for those interested: Trav would like to catch the baby and cut the cord, I hum to help with pain(!), we can both use lots of positive affirmation.
Things that we (awesomely) don't have to include, since they are standard practice at the Birth Center: minimal intervention, lots of leaving us be to cope together, not cutting the cord until it stops pulsing, want to breastfeed right away. - Wrote out directions with maps for the post partum nurse from the Birth Center to our place, since they visit you a few days post-birth for a check up (love that they do that!).
- I called our local fire department to find out about car seat inspection/instillation. They do come inspect, and someone is going to call me back.
- Trav and I have been talking guardianship. We've pretty much narrowed it down to two couples, and hopefully we will have a firm decision soon... since:
- Trav and I have been talking Wills! Neither of us have one right now, we know we need them... so we are definitely planning to do that before Gwen arrives, but need to pick our guardians first.
- Trav is getting a safety deposit box today so that all of our important documents are together in one safe place.
Tonight I plan to start pulling together the stuff for my labor bag, so that I can figure out what is still needed for me and for the babe. Trav told me that he would feel much better once that is (at least partially) packed, and I am happy to oblige.
After this weekend, every weekend is going to be spent car shopping until we find what we need. Since Trav's inspection/emissions is up again in March, we definitely need to do this pre-baby, as we're not even sure his car will pass without many repairs and since we want to get rid of his car regardless, it doesn't make sense to pay for that on the old car. As you've probably noticed, I've been mentioning the car thing for quite a while... but now we are really down to the wire, and we're finally biting the bullet and just doing it.
Honestly, once we are done with those things there is not much left on the list. Wash all of our baby stuff and put it all away, take stock and see what we still need, possible do a few freezer meals (?), and obviously handling anything medical as it arises. I'm hoping February will be much more relaxing in regards to prep.
On a nicer note, I was given another award!

Stumbull at My Life in Black & White has passed this on to me.
It's good to feel loved!!
Here are the rules for this award.
1. Thank the person who nominated me for this award (check!)
2. Copy the award & place it on my blog (check!)
3. Link to the person who nominated me for this award (check!)
4. Share 7 interesting things about myself (see below)
5. Nominate 7 bloggers (see below that! lol.)
So, seven things about me... I'll try to be interesting (and make them all new), but honestly, I'm wiped so we'll see how this goes:
- I'm a Leo, and while I don't often put stock in astrology... for the most part my signs "attributes" fit me to a T.
This for example, "Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour." Very much me! - Gwen will be a Pisces, and I'm wondering how that will fit her.
Some Pisces descriptors include: "Mysterious and alluring individuals... acknowledged as being the Saint and the Sinner rolled into one... the zodiac's most sensitive sign." - I mentioned above that I hum to cope with pain... but also, when I'm surprised by pain, I've been known to start singing the first verse and chorus of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Don't ask me why, I don't know, but I've done it unconsciously since I was a kid.
- I worry about how I'm going to handle a baby and a dog when I'm home for maternity leave. Luckily Daisy is a pretty damn good dog, and I'll have help for a bunch of those weeks (Trav will take a week off, my mom is going to take a week+ off, and his mom will come out for some time also). I still worry about it though.
- I really, really wish I could just come to work in my PJs... regular clothes are just not all the comfortable right now.
- I get annoyed with my boss when I just get done cleaning out my work email and he sends me a dozen addresses to update... each in its own separate email. I know its part of my job, and I know that he doesn't know I just got done cleaning out the Inbox.... but it doesn't stop me from being completely annoyed with him!!
- I wish I could go back to school... for a completely different career path. I love International Relations and specifically stuff on China, but just don't think I will ever get anywhere with, nor do I have the drive to care about that. I much more of a people person and wish I'd chosen something that worked with my strength. I'd probably go back for pediatric/neonatal nursing, I've even thought of pediatric oncology.
Instead of tagging 7 people... I'm going to do an open-ended tag. If you've read this far and can think of 7 interesting things about yourself, then definitely grab the badge and consider yourself tagged. Just drop me a comment so I can read all about you!! :-)
Okay, off I go. Have a great weekend all!
I'm overwhelmed just by reading your lists! When do you start maternity leave?
ReplyDeletewow... first off you guys have some hardy planning!!! OMG are you ready! I really can't believe the time is almost here already! It's just nuts. When are you leaving work for maternity then? I'm glad to read that you won't be alone all the time with the baby and dog. I know it'll be stressful - if you ever need me you know my contacts ;) BTW I do have 7 things about myself lol dunno if they would be interesting or not hahaha :D I hope you have an awesome weekend hun!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited you're using the Birth Center!!
ReplyDeleteMary & Sebz,
ReplyDeleteI'm planning to work until the end!
Are you a Philly local then? :-)