So despite all the set backs and delays from computer issues, I managed to get completely caught up on work stuff by Friday end of day. A great feeling, because I'm hoping to keep completely on top of things, from now on, so that I don't leave a messy to do list when the time comes for me to leave work. I don't want to feel nervous as I get closer because of work stuff!
Friday night I had my movie night with my friend's Lo (Lauren) and Abi (Andrew). We got some yummy middle eastern food, and watched a really bad (but funny because it was so bad) movie about Knights and magic. It was mostly just good to see Lo and Abi, to get the chance to catch up.
Saturday we spent all day looking at cars... there are a dozen car dealerships all up and down one of the major roads just a mile or so from us, so we literally just drove up one side and down the other, stopping to look at cars as we went. Then we came home to do some (more) research online, and a lot of talking. And then... we bought a car!
Sunday we were (again) plenty productive. Trav installed the one carseat in my car (we're waiting on his until his car gets detailed... which was included, but we just have to schedule it). I actually packed up my labor bag (a few last minute items, like the camera, will go in a smaller bag with a change of clothes for Trav... once we are a little closer). We did a few loads of laundry, including the last load of baby stuff (although I do have a few last minute things to pick up). Then I spent a ton of time sorting and putting everything away. We got everything out of the crib (we had a lot of fun testing out the baby monitor!), and then made up the mattress... so now the crib is actually ready for a baby!! :-)

Check it out (sorry the vid is sideways, I forgot to turn it...):
My mom also called to talk fabric with me, and she is now starting on Gwen's blanket/comforter. She also has two other sheets ready for the crib.
Here's her changer, also all ready for her (minus the 3 outfits on top that need hangers, I ran short...):

In the nursery, basically all that's left is to hang the letters that say Gwen... and get the other carseat out of there. Plus we do have to figure out where we'll be storing her little tub and bath supplies.
Monday, yesterday, I had off but Trav had to work. I wanted to head to Babies'R'Us to grab the last items we need... but I need to wait for our registry completion coupon, since I might as well get a discount on these items! I did head to the grocery store for dinner supplies, but otherwise just took it easy. I also took some pictures of my belly.
First, from last week (34 weeks), some by Trav (ignore the mess in the background... that's my ever-growing pile of "doesn't fit anymore" clothes):

This morning I had on a gray turtleneck that I quickly realized would not work, so it was replace with a black turtleneck that I'm thinking is getting its final wear! It's working for today, but not much longer! I'm giving it a few more weeks before I just break down and start wearing PJ pants and sweatshirts to work everyday... ;-) Lol.
And since today is a week change, how about a weekly review:
Weekly Review
How far along? 35 weeks pregnant, only 35 days to go!!
Total weight gain/loss: + 4lbs as of Thursday's appointment, which brings me to a total of +20
Maternity clothes? ::sigh:: Yes... and needed some more of those.
Stretch marks? Nope. ::knocks on wood::
Sleep: Pretty good for the most part. Do wake up a few times a night to pee, and have to adjust myself more to get comfortable... but not bad otherwise.
Best moment this week: Getting lots of baby stuff done so that we actually feel more ready. Of course that was also a bit scary... and in a way, its like the more ready we get, the less ready I feel!
Movement: Yup, lots of bopping around and kicking my ass from the inside.
Food cravings: Sushi... man do I want to eat sushi.
Actual Gender: GIRL! :-)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? A flatty! Lol. Or an outtie a lot of the time now.
What I miss: Not getting sore just sitting in my chair at work. Clothes that fit.
What I am looking forward to: Birth class tonight. One week until we are a go for having this baby (aka at 36 weeks they don't stop labor if you go naturally)! Three weeks until the week my mom delivered me. Only 35 days until my due date!
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every second as much as you can, it goes by so so quickly!
Milestones: Our little girl's insides are all developed now... just maturing from here on out.
As for now, its back to work for me. We have two events this week, and a conference at the beginning of next week... so there is plenty of work to be done.
So what are the chances that my husband got the same car as yours happened! He got a Dodge Caliber at the end of December (we ended up buying two cars in two weeks...crazy, I know). We stuck the car seat in his (although it is not properly installed just yet...we should get on that) and it seems to fit pretty well in the middle.
ReplyDeleteGood post - love your pictures, weekly updates and playlists...
ReplyDeleteAlrighty so firstly - that's great about the car! I hope it works out for you when you need to pack everyone up and go. Those cars are pretty nice and I'm sure it's roomy in there - what color did you guys decide on?
ReplyDeleteI love the bunny - but I don't know if it's from being recorded via camera or what but the heartbeat sounds very loud. I hope she loves it - definitely one of the cutest bunnies I've seen in a LONG time! :D
I'm so happy for you two and I can't stress that enough. I know you guys are probably really nervous about everything especially with the little more you do to get prepared. I know you guys will be GREAT parents and I know when she's here your nerves will calm. I have to say too that I'm super jealous of your planning and organization!! You should become an organizer or something lol. I don't know - something along those lines b/c you would totally kick ass!
I love the pictures too - the bed and changer look awesome - I LOVE the furniture so beautiful! Your belly definitely looks huge now hun! WOWIE!!! I can't wait for more pics!! :D I wish I had a sewing machine and some skills I would mock up some shirts or something for you!
ttys love
oh and btw - the post was so long it took me 2 sit down sessions to read while working lol :D