Thursday we headed to Willy's place around 3 to help him get things ready for the party. He always does a buffet type dinner with a Honey Baked Ham as the main dish. Joining us was Trav's Aunt Pat and her husband Brian, her two daughters Robyn and Donna, with their kids (three each), plus Robyn's husband. One of Willy's "boys" (Larry Joel) from the disabled Boy Scout Troop he leads also joins him every Christmas. So there were 15 of us, which is a nice amount. We all ate WAY too much!
After eating we exchange gifts. I think Trav and my favorite thing was this ornament from Robyn & Eric:

After that it was home bed.
Christmas morning we woke up and had a relaxing morning with just us and the pup. We opened our gifts to each other, and our stockings. I got Trav some books for first time dads (his request!), a pair of footie PJs (like THESE :-) Lol), two more months of netflix, and a GC to Home Depot. He got me a blue ipod nano! And Season 7 of the X-files, the last one I needed. I also got a snoogie, which wasn't a requested gift... but frankly (though I was loath to admit at first), it is warm and soft! Lol. Daisy got some treats from her Nana and Pop (Trav's parent's). From us, she got to play with some wrapping paper. ;-)

E & I (plus Trav) went in on gifts for my parents... my mom got the book and DVD of To Kill A Mockingbird, and THIS necklace (from The Vintage Pearl), which turned out so beautifully! We have it saying "Drew Maggie Megan Ethan Travis Gwenivere" around the outside. My dad got a gift certificate for his favorite music site, and a new dressy sports jacket. They got Trav a few smaller things he wanted from Home Depot, plus a gift card there as well. They also got him a movie he wanted. My gift was a docking station for my ipod!
My parents, Trav & I went in on a Hohner Chrometta 12 Harmonica for Ethan, which he was so excited for! We also got him some nice long sleeved shirts. He got Trav the cadillac of ice scrapers... lol, its what he wanted! This thing is about two feet long, with a sturdy, metal telescoping handle that extends to about five feet. Lol. He got me a book, which he says he really loves and he thinks I will greatly enjoy.
Since we were having the big Christmas dinner, we just had snacky, appetizer type things for lunch. We hung out and wrangled the pups, and watched some Christmas movies.
My mom took a picture of my belly:

My parents went to see my grandparents, and took this cute shot:

Travis has this week off (I have Thursday and Friday), and from the phone call I just got, he's already been using it to get stuff done. We had a few things to return to Macy's and Target (didn't fit, etc)... and I had a few things in mind for what I would pick up instead, well he did all the returning and picked up my things for me! One of the things I wanted was a bottle of the perfume I wear, since I was a few squirts from out... well he took much pleasure in telling me repeatedly how he got my "toilet spray!" (eau de toilette). Silly boy. Now he's on his way to Willy's to help him fix his door.
As for the rest of this week, well I can't believe that it will be ending in the New Year! Though parts of it were slow, 2009 really did fly by. Look for a post later this week (instead of doing a regular yearly roundup) about special people from 2009 and what I'm looking forward to in 2010. In the meantime, its back to work for me...
are they seriously in the snow with no shoes on!?!! omfg i just got colder!!