(And guess where that picture was taken! More of office, at the bottom.)
How far along? 27 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure... but I'm sure there will be a gain when I go back next week, especially after Thursday!
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.
Stretch marks? Nothing new, nothing on the belly.
Sleep: Okay, lots and lots of crazy dreams.
Best moment this week: It will be showing off my belly to my fam... and hopefully letting them feel her move.
Movement: Great big movements, ones that move my whole belly.
Food cravings: Not too much right now. Just the normal stuff.
Actual Gender: GIRL! :-)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Innie... barely!
What I miss: I would love to be able to drink this awesome apple wine with Thanksgiving dinner... but I'll have some yummy sparkling grape juice instead. :-)
What I am looking forward to: My baby shower on the 12th.
Weekly Wisdom: I got nothing.
Milestones: 3rd Trimester!!!!!!!!!!
Also... I present the office!:

And NOW:

What do you think? We're very happy with how it turned out!
It looks awesome! :D Great job!! :D