How far along? 23 weeks (I'm in my 6th month people!)
Total weight gain/loss: + 6lbs!!! (as of this a.m.)
Maternity clothes? oh yes to the pants... but still rocking out pre-maternity tops.
Stretch marks? not on the belly
Sleep: loving every second of it, and now that i'm not super sick, getting it again!
Best moment this week: laying in bed with my belly against trav's back, and having her kick him! he definitely got wide-eyed, and was like, "that was a little weird!"
Movement: oh yea, bopping around in there all the time now.
Food cravings: White sauces... I actually had a dream about biscuits and sausage gravy, and one about Béchamel sauce. So weird.
Gender guess/Actual Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Innie, though for how much longer is the question!
What I miss: warm apple wine... so good this time of year.
What I am looking forward to: Viability week, next week.
Milestones: Our little one is about a pound now!

wow that 2nd pic is a little weird... not gonna lie. Have you seen those 3d type photos? your 2nd pic almost looks like that! haha -- you should try to get one if you haven't yet, they are definitely crazy! glad you feel better :)