I'm so damn happy that my favorite season is here.... even though its actually going to be almost 80 today. Lol.

How far along? 18 weeks (holy crap, seriously?!)
Total weight gain/loss: +3lbs since last time, meaning my net gain is 0. :-) At least I'm back where I was and actually moving in the right direction.
Maternity clothes? yes m'am... pants full time, shirts I am still wearing my normal ones.
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: love it!
Best moment this week: movement! plus hearing that I'm measuring spot on, and getting to hear that beautiful heartbeat again.
Movement: I few blips!!
Food cravings: None really lately.
Gender guess/Actual Gender: Not a bit of a clue... but we find out in 3 weeks!!!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out? Innie!
What I miss: oh sushi...
What I am looking forward to: our big ultrasound!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Savor every moment... because it really does fly by! I can't believe I'm already so close to halfway done.
Milestones: first few blips of movement!
yay for movement! I have been feeling some flutters but nothing official just yet!