Yesterday flew by in a blur of two events and a huge mailing that kept me away from my desk for all but a few hours in the afternoon. The first event was over lunch (free pizza) and it was a slideshow about a writer's recent travels to Iran. Very interesting. The second was an intern presentation, which I didn't attend but had to set up for. I had actually brought my camera into work to download some pictures to post, but the day definitely flew by too quickly for posting at all. So! I'll give them to you now. I took these all yesterday morning when I was enjoying some playtime outside with the pup. It was a beautiful morning!
(These two are actually of one giant tree that shades the end of our yard. It grows in our neighbors yard, but we get to enjoy it.)
Our pupper, enjoying a sunny spot on the grass... what a cutie.
Then, on my ride home last night I got a call from Trav. He'd been in an accident (don't worry, he's fine). Apparently he was driving along one road that always gets very backed up... he stopped for some traffic, looked in his rear view mirror and saw that the guy behind him was coming up way too fast. So he thought fast and kind of pulled his car off towards the right a bit. Well the guy glanced off his left bumper and straight into a truck in the opposite lane! His car is okay, the bumper is banged up and dented on the one side, but its still perfectly drivable. The other two cars were totalled though, so he was lucky! What a night though... poor Trav was very shaken up.
Once he got home we had dinner then both took the pup for a long walk. I think it helped to calm his nerves a bit... walk it out. Daisy enjoyed it too since she got to meet some new puppies and people.
We've started something new with Daisy too. She always ended up going in and out of her crate all morning since we couldn't watch her while we were showering and getting ready, well she's gotten to the point that we don't have to watch her all the time... so now once we get her out in the morning, she's out until we leave for the day. She loves it and we love it. Eventually we hope to be able to leave her out of her crate all day... but it will take some working up to get to that.
Today, is much lazier then the rest of the week has been. Still lots to do, but no events settign the schedule... so much more relaxed pace. It's also supposed to be HOT! Very high 80s, maybe 90 and sunny. Tally and I are going for frozen yogurt later. :-)
Okay, off to work I go!
Ps. After hearing some little kid yell "sh!t" at one of his friends last night... then turning and seeing that he was probably about 9, we've decided that we're going to go back in time and raise our kids in the 50s. Things were much simpler then.
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