How far along? 6 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: no change as far as i know
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: can't get enough of it, though I'm now getting up to pee once in the middle of the night
Best moment this week: hmm, this might sound weird, but morning sickness showing up was actually something of a relief!
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: no cravings, but some aversions... since the m/s I'm finding it easier to stick with soups, noodles, and other simple things
Gender guess/Actual Gender: still Guessing Boy
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? Innie!
What I miss: sushi... and not gagging when i brush my teeth
What I am looking forward to: doctors appointment on Thursday!!
Weekly Wisdom: to help with m/s don't let your stomach get empty... even if the thought of eating anything is completely unappealing. drink lots of water and snack on easy to digest things.
Milestones: our babies heart is now beating!!!!
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