Friday I made the perfect holiday brownies... Peppermint Cloud Brownies.
[Picture was here, but disappeared... I'll add it again later.]
So freakin good. You whip up some brownies (feel free to use boxed... I did!). Pop them in the oven and bake until about 8 minutes before they are supposed to be done. Pull them out and top with marshmallows (I suggest the mini ones, for better coverage... but we only had the big ones at the moment). Pop back in the oven until brownies are done and marshmallows are gooey. Pull out and sprinkle with crushed peppermints. Let cool and enjoy.
They are so damn good... and Friday night I was happy to enjoy mine with a glass of nice wine.

I also have one video to share. From when Marley comes to warn Scrooge. Marley was played by my brother's good friend Corey.
On our way home it started snowing... not too heavy so that it was bad to drive in... just these little tiny flakes that made everything look a little misty. It stuck just enough to make this pretty powdered sugar coating on everything but the roads (though it was pretty much all gone the next day). We stopped at the Pearl on our way home for a nice dinner.
Sunday we pulled out our decorations...... and wrapped presents. Our little tree actually has lights on it now, and a pile of presents underneath. And I did all this while watching the first four of the Harry Potters! :-) Good times. Christmas cards are going out today. Babs and Ethan's gifts are bought (just my grandparents left). We just have to put up our porch lights over the garland which is already up (it was way too damn cold to do it yesterday, but maybe tomorrow night... its supposed to be warmer then), and we'll be good to go! I really do love this time of year.
I'm wearing my biggest, snuggliest sweater today because baby its cold outside! I probably look like the freakin marshmallow man (it really is big on me)... but its totally worth it, because it keeps me cozy. I'm feeling off this morning. It was a great weekend, but last night ended on a morose note. I have two good friends from high school who are both having a hard time right now with money, jobs, family, living arrangements, etc. They just can't seem to catch a break and it makes me so sad for them, and I just wish I could do something since they both deserve so much more. Also my boy had an interesting evening last night, which on top of feeling bummed for my ladies, well it just left me feeling blah. This morning is a lot better... my boy sent me an email, we're going to talk tonight, and hopefully we'll get somewhere because he has been off lately which really gets to me.
Anyway, this post has turned into a bit of a bummer... which I didn't want because the weekend really was good, and I really do love this time of year. But where else do I get it out if not here?
Okay, I'm off to make some spagetti-Os for brunch, and get a ton of work done. Ta-ta.
those brownies look good. and your brother makes a good scrooge.