Saturday (it's really starting to look like fall!):

Sunday (at Linvilla, where we did our hayride!):

So how was your weekend? Ours was lovely! :-) Saturday night we headed to Ro & Pat's for dinner, which is always fun. And I had such a freakin' blast at the hayride on Sunday. We checked out the pumpkins first, and there were some biggies, and walked through their market... then we took the 15 minute hayride... which ended with us getting to roast some marshmallows and drink some apple cider. Mmm, love me some marshmallows and apples cider.
Last night was great two. We headed out to dinner at the Pearl, our favorite, and had a very relaxing dinner. When we got home we exchanged gifts. I decided to spoil Trav a bit since he never wants to ask for anything, and he always spoils me. So I got him a two things he needed and a two things he would like: some new socks, some new boxers, a nice new pillow (he likes feather ones and his was getting grungy and flat), and one other thing that hasn't come in yet! Lol. He spoiled me too... he always does. My amazing boy got me a gift certificate for a massage and facial! The perfect thing for next week, when I'm all sore post walk. I'm so excited to use it!
Another thing that made yesterday great? A ton of donations came in for my walk!! I got over $300 yesterday, plus another $100 pledged! So amazing, and a huge boost in these last few days.
Anyway, I have plenty to do, so I should get back to it. But! Two last things to leave you with before I'm back to work. One is a vid (for no on prop 8). I cute play off the mac commercials:
The second is a sampling from Angelina's interview with W (here mostly so I can keep access to it, but a good read!)... which I'm psyched to read the whole thing:
Angelina Gets Up Close and Personal in Words and Pictures
Jolie through Pitt's love-fogged lens ...
If you thought the Brad Pitt-snapped image of Angelina Jolie breast-feeding on the November cover of W was intimate, then you'll probably feel like a Peeping Tom as you check out seven more equally personal and candid photos from the expansive spread inside the magazine.
Billed as a "week in the life" of the world's most famous blended brood, the portfolio, which the aesthetically minded actor shot at their French chateau several weeks after the July arrival of twins Vivienne and Knox, includes pictures of the extra-fertile Oscar winner playfully making fish lips, chowing down on a burger and enjoying time with her tots.
"I love his photography," Angelina enthuses of Brad's artistic leanings in the accompanying interview. "Some people have a hobby, and they find the quickest way to it and are very pleased with the outcome right away. But he's someone who will really study the camera -- he'll get the most complicated one and really understand the science behind it."
That's no exaggeration. According to the magazine, Pitt wanted to shoot Jolie using a very specific type of film. The problem? The film stopped being made four years ago. The mag's photo editor managed to locate 70 rolls (40 off eBay and 30 from a seller in Israel), which were quickly hand-delivered to him in France.
"He's very critical of his own work," adds Angelina, who is out promoting the Clint Eastwood-directed drama "Changeling." "I'll see a photograph and think it's amazing, but he'll see all the different reasons why it can be better, and he'll work very, very hard to improve it."
Here are more highlights from the sit-down, which was conducted at the family's French estate and kicks off with the actress, fresh from breast-feeding her double bundles, making her entrance by motoring up the dirt driveway on a "Yamaha all-terrain vehicle, wearing a long black dress and dark sunglasses, her hair whipping in the wind."
On Maddox's growing knife collection: "My mom took me to buy my first daggers when I was 11 or 12," Jolie says of her 7-year-old son's shared love of weapons. "And I've already bought Maddox some things. We take him to a special shop." But don't fret that Mohawked Madd will put an eye out. His mom emphasizes that the blades are blunt and therefore not hazardous, and she says the pointy presents come with conversations about violence. "We also talk about samurais and about the idea of defending someone as good," explains Angelina, who recently revealed to Entertainment Weekly that her oldest is "all into war and guns." "We talk about everything."
On the clan's jet set lifestyle: "It's part of how I want to raise them," notes Jolie, who over a whirlwind few days last week hit New York, New Orleans and France with Pitt and the kids. "If you tell them we're getting on a plane tomorrow, they're all excited to pack their bags, and if you say we're not coming back for months, they won't bat an eye. I think they see the world as a home." By way of illustration, she recalls watching Maddox "run through the markets of Addis Ababa [in Ethiopia] and not notice that it's very poor, or that everyone is African or that he's Asian. It wouldn't matter to him." She says one of her prized possessions is a suitcase stuffed with their travel documents: Cambodia for Maddox, Vietnam for 4-year-old Pax, Ethiopia for 3-year-old Zahara, Namibia for 2-year-old Shiloh, France for the twins, along with their U.S. passports and her U.N. papers.
On the pitter-patter of little feet: In a revelation sure to inspire a "Geez, mom, that's sooooooooo embarrassing" exclamation in the coming years, Jolie says Zahara and Pax enjoy slow-dancing together in a re-creation of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip's hoofing from Disney's "Sleeping Beauty." (Go on, say it, we know you're itching to get it out: Awwwww.)
On her relationship with Pitt: "I do think that I'm good in a partnership now," observes the once solo-preferring Jolie, who seems unaware of the tabloids' weekly predictions of doom for their rug rat-packed, do-gooder-oriented romance. "I think it just needed to be the right man. ... It's not just that I love being in Brad's company, which obviously I do, but it's that we both roll up our sleeves and take on what we care about in the same way. I have a lot of respect for him, and he helps me to be better and fight hard for things that I love."
On Brad's effect on her womb: "I think one of the life-changing things that he did, one of many, is that I was absolutely never going to get pregnant," she acknowledges. "I never felt that it was the right thing to do. Now I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. It taught me a lot about life, just the process of it, and now we have three other beautiful children that wouldn't otherwise be here."
On how he changed her mind: "When we first met, he talked about having children in that way. I talked about only adopting children," she reveals. When they decided that Pitt would adopt Maddox and Zahara, "He stopped talking about having other kids in the other way," continues Angelina. "So I suppose in my heart I realized that he was happy with them as his children, completely. I knew he would never see them as different, and that gave me a certain peace. Then I suppose I just looked at him and loved him and just felt open to [getting pregnant]. I suddenly wanted to. It's one of those things you can't explain."
On the reported $14 million they received for the first pics of the twins: "There's nothing to say other than it's bizarre," she marvels of the record-setting payday, which they donated to their philanthropic foundation. "But we're happy that we have our hands on it to distribute it to people we think are worthy, rather than some paparazzi."
On their crowded sleeping quarters: "Most nights, someone ends up in our bed," says Angelina, who disclosed last week how she and Brad try -- usually unsuccessfully -- to find some alone-time in the tub. "They've just taken over in there -- especially right now, because we want them to feel that the babies aren't special in the room. So our door is much more like a swinging door. The kids do knock before entering. We've at least got that part down. Because Mommy and Daddy need some space."
Okay, back to work!
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