Who doesn't love the Daily Show, and this is hilarious... truly shows the hypocrisy involved in politics, and in particular by our Republican friends.
I love having those clips one after another, especially considering a lot of their phrasing was so close... its like they said, if I take this old speech and change all the no's to yes's then we'll be good!
Next something completely unpolitical, but which I found funny:
Love this shirt design. It cracks me up.
So last night was a lot of fun. Vadim and I met at Swanky Bubbles and enjoyed a nice long dinner. We got sushi and some plates of food (I got an Indonesian Chicken Satay, he got a Malaysian salmon)... everything was delish! Its always great to catch up too. We normally always follow the same pattern, we'll meet every 3-5 months so we'll play catch up first (jobs, life, travels) then talk about whatever big stuff is happening (he's having a kid in November!), after which we'll normally fall back onto the remember when stuff and giving updates on people we both know. We didn't end up leaving until about 9, and I walked back up to Center City (1.5 miles) to catch the train since the next one didn't come until 9:55. By the time I got home it was straight to bed since it was past our bedtime and I was tired already. I am a bit tired this morning, but of course it was worth it!
Anyway, here we are at Friday. The first week back after vacation is always hard, but this one at least went quickly. This weekend we have no plans except for working on the room some (if we have weather that lets us open the windows, since I think we're at the painting point), and I'm supposed to walk a bunch... but we'll see what I can actually do since we're supposed to get 2-4 inches and 40 mph winds!! If that's the case though, I'll be happy to bed down with a good movie and Trav. Hope ya'll have a good one! :-)
ps. And fyi, I couldn't have put it better myself! Vote Obama '08!!
I used to hang at Swanky bubble..a long long time ago.