What an incredible week! We had such a great time on the Cape, as always. It was every bit as relaxing and fun as we had hoped for... and I feel mighty refreshed for it, although its always hard heading back to work. Yesterday we were exhausted from the drive home and while we did unpack, that's mainly all we did. Yay for Monk and Closer marathons! So glad we had that extra day to recover though, it makes a world of difference.
So! Some pictures from the week... bear with me, this will be long, but totally worth the look I think. I ended up taking about 110 shots throughout the week, and Trav's bro gave us another 40 or so... but I'll only post a few dozen here. ;-) They are in timeline order, and many don't need captions, so I'll keep the "talking" brief.
So, Cape Cod in pictures!
(All of the above was worth it when we got to see the below... one of my favorite views!)

(Trav taking the boat out early one morning:)

(Ignore Trav's crazy eyes... lol.)

(Their dock and boat from the lake beach.)

(Trav went on a deep sea fishing trip on Wednesday[?] and caught four sea bass and a bluefish! We had them for dinner the next night. VERY tasty, and Trav was very proud!)

(Friday Trav, Andy, Megan, and I went to Martha's Vineyard for the day. Great fun, I had never been.)

(We found this sculpture garden while we were driving from one end of the island to the other... so of course we had to stop and pose!)

(Black dog tavern for lunch.)

(Oldest working carousel, I believe in the country.)

(Dinner... then home on the ferry.)

(Trav got a little burned... by just pressing with my hand I was able to marked him up
Lord of the Rings style...)

(Willy goofing off... pretty spry for almost 85!!)

Like I said, we had a great time... it's always so nice to see Trav's family.
Now its back to the "real world". So much work to catch up on and can you believe it September already!! Yesterday was just three weeks until Autumn begins. It actually made it a little easier to get up and moving this morning hearing all of the kids returning to school for their first day. I guess all the happy shouts drifting into our window were a bit contagious!
Well I have a ton to do today and its almost lunch already, so back to it I go! It is nice to be home.
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