Friday night we headed to Ro & Pat's house for some pizza and hanging out. Some people we know from college, who now live in California, were in town for a wedding... so we had a nice visit. On our way there we hit up the Lowe's to return the ceiling fan we can't use anymore and buy a light. We found something we both like, so it was a successful trip.
Saturday we had the Lehigh vs. Villanova football game. It was fun, we grilled at Willy's place first since he lives just three blocks from the stadium, with our friend Brian's parents, Chuck & Jeanie. Trav also works with Jeanie, and we love them!
Unfortunately the game itself went about how we had imagined, with Lehigh getting its butt kicked. It seemed like we had a chance, but some very bad plays (including a really bad interception) killed that for us.
There were a ton of huge dark clouds over us... which we actually really appreciated since when the sun did come out, it was hot hot hot (and so uncomforable)!
(Here's our field goal:)
(The final score:)
Luckily we really did have a nice time, even though we lost.
After the game we hung out at Willy's for a little more, then headed home. At that point I headed out for a walk and Trav did the second coat of primer.Yay for the priming being done! (We didn't go all the way to the bottom since we're putting up the wainscotting, which will cover up to about the window level... so it wasn't necessary, plus less chance of paint on the nice floor.)
Originally we were going to paint on Sunday... but with the heat and humidity like it was, that just wasn't happening. It wouldn't have dried! Instead I went walking with Ro in the morning, we watched football for a while, then we headed to Ro & Pat's house again for football and a dinner of her yummy chicken and dumplings. Mmm... so good. I can't believe that Ro is 20 weeks, or halfway through her pregnancy, already! She looks great and she's enjoying getting to feel the baby move. I might be a little envious. ;-)
Anyway, after that it was back home just in time for, you guessed it, more football!! :-) Trav had to watch his Steelers game... and a good one to watch too, as they beat the Browns for the 10th time in a row.
Tonight, I'm not sure if we'll get around to painting or not. The Eagle's game is on at 8 (8:30?), and we definitely want to watch that. So we might do the light fixture instead, and get everything taped off. That way tomorrow Trav can get right to the painting when I'm out on my walk, and I can join him when I get home. Either way, hopefully the painting and the light will be done by this weekend (or just have the trim left to do). It will be a full weekend, but maybe we can get to the floor. We'll see! Either way, we are getting there... thankfully, can't wait for it to be done. :-)
As for today. It seems quiet. A few of my coworkers are out, and we don't have any events to deal with. Hopefully it will be a good day for me to catch up on my work emails and a few projects that have been pushed aside lately.
Speaking of which, I should probably get to it.
One last thing to leave you with though... did you all watch SNL? Honestly, I never stay up for SNL... its on too late for me. But had the "Palin/Clinton" skit on their website, and I had to share. Tina Fey, with the hair done, is a dead ringer for Palin!! Enjoy!
(Check in tomorrow for a project I've been working on... it should be interesting!)
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~ Meegs