I woke up this morning feeling a bit better then yesterday, although I'm definitely still a bit tired, and I definitely have the snuffles (I think from all the dust while working in the guest bedroom). If yesterday is any indiction though, this week will fly by because boy are my days busy lately. Coming here to pound out a post is basically my one moment to breathe between when I arrive at work and when I take the train home... but I'm not complaining because busy is definitely better then bored! I just hope it slows down enough that I can finish everything I need before we leave on friday.
In any case, I finally got around to uploading my pictures last night... so here are a few I wanted to share.
Ro, looking like a cutie patootie at almost 16 weeks (on friday):

Her belly is getting that cute rounded look, so adorable.
Here are some pictures I tried to take of the moon on Saturday night because it was completely full and so damn bright!

But its really hard to take pictures of the moon.
I thought this one was funny thought because the sky almost looks like one of those old picture backgrounds they used for school pictures:

And here are some pictures from last night. We got some work done on the guest bedroom, finished patching the ceiling and fixed the plasterless places on the bottom of the walls where the baseboards were removed:

We will be putting up wainscoting, so it just needed something to make it more stable and so the moldings had something to secure to. Plenty more to do, but we are getting there slowly but surely!!
Well, on that note... time for me to get back to work. Ciao!