

So my birthday is in two weeks, and because I'm married to the sweetest man ever, I got two of my (apparently) four gifts last night. He really does spoil me. They came in the mail yesterday, and I think he decided that he had tortured me enough with the "oh, hey hunny, I ordered your birthday present today..." stuff (I'm not great with waiting for stuff when I know about it like that), so my reward would be getting to open them early. Plus, honestly, I think he is very like me in that if I have good news, a cool gift, etc why give it to someone later, when you could in fact, give it to them NOW. For example: my mom's birthday was on a Thursday, I held out until the Tuesday before, when I could wait no longer and I HAD to call her and tell her what her present was. :-) I love the giving... the look on their face (or in that case, the sound of their voice), knowing that they really love what I got them... and I think he's the same way.

So, last night I got 1) more dork gear (aka Harry Potter stuff)! I got a wand sheath, house socks and a house scarf (in gryfindor colors, of course). Love it! :-) And I got 2) Seasons 2 & 3 of the X-files on DVD. I already have all of them 1 - 7 (there are actually 9 season, and maybe i'll eventually get the last two... but they are the ones with doggett instead of mulder, so not my fav!), but only season 1 was the "official" dvds. 2-7 are these asian dubbed dvds, which weren't the best quality, but we were poor college students when he got them and if he bought those instead of the licensed ones then he could afford to buy them all for me. So anyway, we're finally getting around to replacing them as they have gotten pretty bad about skipping around and freezing up. So, two great gifts that definitely show how well my beau knows me!

We also just started a two week free trial of Netf.lix, during which we will be fitting in as many movies as humanly possible. Last night we started with The Simpson movie (sent back today), tonight we'll watch No Country for Old Men, and for this weekend I have Ps. I Love You. The Bucket List is shipping next, and in between, I'm sure we'll be working our way through those two seasons of the X-files! So I'll probably be reviewing lots of movies on here in the next two weeks (although maybe I'll skip a detailed review of the Simpsons movie... if you've seen the show, you know exactly what to expect with the movie)!

Well, time for me to get some work done. I've had a pretty hard time concentrating this week... so I do have a few items I want to check off my to do list before this friday is over with. Have a great weekend!!

Ps. I just realized that I never gave you the update on Cas and her daughter. Well I just heard last weekend that all charges were dropped! She has her girl back! Such great news!!!!

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