Trav got some more done on the room while I was out both days... the blinds, closet door, bar from the closet, and most of the baseboards (minus the side with the radiator since that will take a bit of extra work) are down. Firday we went to the Home Depot to pick up some tools we needed... a pry bar, some squares of sandpaper, more spackle, some paint samples, etc. And on Sunday we went out to the Lowes and took advantage of a sale they were having (10% off Energy Star ceiling fans!), plus a coupon we had, to get our ceiling fan*... plus new outlets, some more paint color samples, and a few other odds and ends. We get to call this week about the asbestos test, so after that... the ceiling!
Besides all that, we headed to Ro & Pat's for dinner on Sunday night. Good food and good company, have to love that. We all headed out to Bruster's for ice cream before Trav and I headed back home (saw some great lightning! but it didn't pan out to much). And that was our weekend!
News and pictures tomorrow.
*This one:

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