Her and her husband Pat are expecting their first baby at the beginning of February (I'm voting for a birthday on the 4th... so Baby S can share the date with my bro). She is 12 weeks along (in her 3rd month... confused by the breakdown? see below.) and so far, so good! I'm so thrilled for both of them, they have wanted this for a while.
She got her BFP (Big Fat Positive) on May 25th, and had her orientation at the Birth Center on the 29th. She's been feeling pretty good except for a bit of nausea, occasional dizziness, having to pee all the time, and lots of tiredness. Her boobs are slowly trying to take over the world, but that's no shocker. ;-) Her first doctors appointment was on Thursday, the 3rd, and the doc said all looked good. Her second appointment was for an ultrasound, which she just had yesterday, and they got to see their bean!
As of next week, Ro will officially be ending her first trimester... how time flies!

I'm just so happy for both of them... they will be great parents. And I'm excited to get to experience this through Ro while I wait for Trav and my turn. I think I'll make a great pseudo-aunt. :-)

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