He's feeling pretty well at the moment... still taking it easy, but doing much better with getting around on the crutches. His foot is looking much better now too. This is how it looked on Wednesday night:

Last week finished up nicely... there was some card playing:

We headed home on Friday... and spent the weekend in our own bed, which was great. We didn't do much besides that. Some dishes and laundry, of course. I cooked steaks with some sauted onions on top which were absolutely delish, but I completely forgot pictures. I also walked 7 miles one day and 5 the next.
Yesterday we got brunch with Trav's mom and a family friend that was visiting. And headed back to Willy's for dinner, and the night. We're there tonight, tomorrow night, and will head home on Wednesday night. Thursday Trav's mom heads home to Arizona, and Trav's coworker starts picking him up. Hopefully that will go smoothly.
In some attention-whore type news, my tattoo is healed up nicely! Yay! It looks so great without the red eye and the blood spots!

Well, here we are in the last full week of June. Just under 3 weeks until we see the Dalai Lama talk at Lehigh, 5 weeks until my brother leaves for a month in Europe, just under 8 weeks until my birthday, and just over 8 weeks until we leave for the Cape! After that its just 7 more weeks until our anniversary and the 3-day walk!! Lots to look forward to... but I think that's always how the summer is.
Well, in the meantime its back to work for me... awaiting the thuderstorms that are supposed to come. *fingers crossed* Happy Monday, y'all.
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