Friday night Trav's cousin Robyn came over for dinner, along with her husband and their youngest, Aiden. He is such a doll, and so much bigger then he was last time we saw him!!
What a face! How can you not love that face?! Dinner was fun, relaxing. We ate cheese and crackers, shrimp with cocktail sauce, and ordered some pizza. Lots of talking, and hanging out.
Saturday was Lazy! The day itself was gorgeous! Sunny, warm, beautiful. Trav cut the grass and it smelled so lovely. Then he pointed out this renigade tulip to me:
The pretty thing decided to pop up in our front flowerbed, on its own accord. We think it was actually a willy little squirell that decided to mess around with us and our neighbor, the one that had actually planted tulips!
We also have these lovely, though tiny buds scattered around our front lawn. The rest of the day involved movies, and eating. But really that's about it! Which is just what the doctor ordered.
We decided to use up the leftover shrimp and make a scampi of sorts for dinner. Easy and very good. Add a bit of butter to a pan with some garlic and basil, saute, then throw in the shrimp and cook until warmed. Delish! Sunday Ro and I went for a walk. It was a little blustery, and right at the end it started to rain... but we definitely didn't get the thunderstorms I'd been anticipating! It wasn't bad though, Ro & I got in six miles. And Trav & I got a dinner invite...
Before heading to Ro & Pat's for dinner (lovely, thick, juicy steaks! and our first corn on the cob of the season!), I decided to bake some cookies. I saw the recipe online, and it looked so easy and so dang good... I couldn't resist. These are Gooey Peanut Butter Balls. So yummy!
All you need is 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, and 1 egg. Mix all together, form into balls, and back on a sprayed cookie sheet at 350 for 10 minutes. They are fabulous, and though its a little hard to tell... the insides stay nice and soft and gooey:
Mmmm. I only have three left from my batch of 12.
As for today, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm nice and awake even though I am on a routine for killer cramps that involves taking 400 mg of ibuprofen ever four hours around the clock (so at 2, 6, 10... yes, even 2 in the morning). I just set the alarm on my phone and leave the two pills by my bed... at 2 I turn off the alarm, swallow the pills, and I'm back asleep before I realize I'm awake. :-) It seems to be working too.
Now I'm on to what will hopefully be a super quiet week... we have no work events, which means lots of time to catch up and maybe even get ahead of the game... plus besides performing my civic duty (voting! tomorrow!) and going for a hair cut this weekend, things are lovely and quiet on the personal front this week too. Since the month up until now has been pretty full, this will be a nice break.
And on that note, I'm going to get to work. But not without leaving you with one more picture. I had to share this, it cracks me up!
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~ Meegs