Three pictures I took around Philly, but didn't have time to share before. It's really starting to look like spring. Hopefully by the time we get back it will really feel like it too!

xoxo. See you soon!
* not specific enough? I normally add a few tsps of the pre-chopped stuff from a jar. Some people want it more basil-y though... so add more basil! Easy. Plus, I have no idea what that jarred basil translates to fresh basil-wise. I'd probably start with about 2 cups though.
The best thing about this pesto is that you can make a lot... and there is so much you can do with it. Obviously mix it with pasta. But also smear it on bread (toast it for a few minutes to make it extra yummy). Make a pesto pizza with pizza dough or french bread, pesto instead of sauce, and then some wonderful melty cheese (mozzarella or feta would be nice). For toppings olives, chopped up chicken breast, artichoke hearts or tomatoes would all work great.
Also you can easily freeze this to use later... but in that case make it without the cheese (it doesn't freeze nicely) and add the cheese when you are mixing it into your pasta.
After dinner Trav and I headed out for our favorite part of the first day of spring:
Mmm... Rita's. I got root beer favor.
It was a little chilly, but once we got back into our warm house our icy treat was very enjoyable.
So that's about all I have for you today. I'm about to make some hot chocolate since I can't seem to get warm! Then its just work, work, work. Have a great weekend!
PS. A question: what do you think about my recipe posts? Do you enjoy them? Or do you hate when I talk about food? Do they make you skip the entries? Let me know!!
After that, well it was off to the airport where I hopped a plane from Chattanooga to Charlotte... then had a lovely 3-hour layover, before heading from Charlotte back to Philly. Trav picked me up around 10, and it was home and straight to bed.
So that's Chattanooga in a nutshell for ya.
Not so bad overall. Definitely stressful at points... I was feeling a lot of pressure to do great, but it went well in the end and I think I proved that I could handle myself.
Now! Since I got home late on Sunday, I took off Monday for a bit of sleeping in and lazing about. Really I hardly did anything besides watch TV, pull stuff from my suitcase that needed to come to work with me today, and make a big pot of beef stew. Yum yum.
I LOVE me some beef stew. I mean, sometimes you want something really hardy for dinner, but without the work when you come home. That's why I love my Crockpot... and love this dish. I normally do the prep on a Saturday or Sunday, then cook it on Sunday or Monday (this time I did the prep and cooking on the same day, which is really unusual for me... but I didn't want to do it Sunday night, and I could cook it on high instead of low, thereby dropping the cooking time a bit). The leftovers will last Trav and I for half the week.
We normally only cook this in the fall/winter months... too heavy for the hot hot summers. But by August, I'm craving this and counting down until when it will be cool enough to make it.
Megan's Beef Stew
To a Crockpot/slow cooker add:
1.5-2 lbs stew Beef, cubed (London Broil also works really well)
5-7 good sized Idaho potatoes, washed and cubed
1.5 - 2 cans of beef broth (to just cover solids)
1 jar beef gravy
2 large carrots, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 large onion, finely chopped (can be sauted first, but we don't bother!)
1 - 2 cloves of garlic, smashed, then finely chopped
salt & pepper to taste
healthy dash of dry mustard
small half palm full of parsley &/or thyme, crushed
1-2 large bay leaf
optional: 1 cup corn, or a cup of fresh or frozen green beans
- healthy sprinkling of chives
As for today. First day back has been fine so far. It's warm out, feeling almost springy here today (although rather gray out and supposed to storm). The boss seems happy with how things went, and that makes me happy. It's a rather lazy day as far as they go, especially compared to lately... but I should get back to work anyway. Not that I'm complaining! Not that I'm not stressing things seem a lot easier.