So a recap! Friday night we headed down to Ocean City and the great house that my uncle rented for the weekend. I was really excited for the trip... but there was also this little part of me that was nervous. I have three cousins by my uncle Wray, and Susie (my new aunt) has two kids (I think I told this story already, but the girl, also a megan, was one of my very best friends growing up). I love both sets of kids so much for different reason, all I wanted was for them to get along. It's a different dynamic when you are gaining Step-Siblings as an adult. The youngest of the kids is 17, the oldest is 28! It's not like they suddenly have to deal with sharing a room. But they are full, grown personalities as well... In anycase, I need not have worried because by the end of the weekend it was like they had known each other forever! Everyone got along so well and we just had the most amazing time.
So friday night we were up late hanging out. Saturday Trav and I woke up, relaxed for a bit in the morning breeze... looking out at the ocean (gorgeous!), then headed to breakfast. The wedding stuff started off with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails at 2 (a great chance for the families to meet and mingle), then the ceremony at 3:30, followed by dinner. It was very laid back, intimate, and just perfect.... one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been lucky enough to be a part of. There were only 22 people there, and during the ceremony everyone was given the option to speak about/to the couple. Most of us did and by the end there wasn't a dry eye in the house. It was truly moving to hear that much love expressed, for them individually and them as a couple.
After the ceremony, we all relaxed together and had a great evening. People wandered onto the beach, and the "kids" had another late night of hanging out. Sunday we relaxed in the morning, but slowly all trickled out to head home. Again, I took way too many pictures... but here are a few to share (sorry for the low res):

It was a wonderful weekend! Then I had my personal day on Monday. I woke up late, ate breakfast a watched one of my guilty pleasure shows (A Baby Story), put together a dish for dinner, washed dishes, replied to a ton of emails, ate lunch while watching more Baby Story, bought the pieces for my halloween coustume, bought bus tickets for NYC for Friday, then worked on my extra project for work. It was a relaxing and very productive day... the perfect combo.
Now it's back to work as normal, but my personal day made me a little busier which is actually perfect. When I'm busy, I don't have as much time to hate... ;-) Plus I have a lunch date with Apoc today at a sushi joint... which will break up the day nicely. AND it's only a week until Halloween (which means a week and a day until November, hot damn, can you believe it?!)! Two months until Christmas. Lol.
So the game plan from here?!
Enjoy my busy, but wonderful weekends. Work my ass off at my current job, and with the extra project. Perfect my resume. Talk to friends and family... who knows who people know, right? Scour the internet. Keep my eyes peeled. Stay positive. And of course, keep you all informed.
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~ Meegs