I can't believe it... but it's been a year since Travis and I got married!
Time really does fly, and if it's true what they say about the first year being the hardest, well then we are in for an easy ride. I love being married... and more specifically, I love being married to Travis.
A few things (little things, which really aren't they the most important) I remember about the day...
- the fact that i don't remember a damn thing about how the bridesmaids/groomsmen looked standing at the end of the aisle... because i was only looking at my groom.
- seeing Brian and Pat tear up when I cried because of Travis reading the sweetest vows ever.
- the way he picked up my train, all on his own, so I could walk up the stairs as we headed inside after the ceremony.
- Travis getting a face full of leaves.
- my brother and his brother laughing together, and getting along so well.
- dancing, dancing, dancing. And at the end, when I realized I hadn't had my dance with Pat... grabbing his hand, and giving him a dance sans music.
- just being so damn happy, i could bust.
It has been a great year.
To my husband:
I love you. I love you more all the time, with each new thing we try or do together. I can't wait to experience all the new things we will tackle together in the future. We have so much to look forward to. And I'm enjoying every moment that leads us there.
Thank you for an amazing year. For being sweet and supportive. Seven years ago, when we met at a Frat Party and got drunk together I never would have imagined one day being married to you. But I really did meet my best friend that day, and even then I knew you were something different.
Happy Anniversary love. Thank you for being everything a husband should be.
The cake top:

A year later, it's all still damn good. Seven years after we met, and I'm still learning to love you more. (the full story, and a damn sweet post to boot)
Happy Anniversary Trav!
ps. In honor of our anny, I added two links to the side there... one to our Travel pictures, and one to our Professional Wedding Pictures. Enjoy.
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~ Meegs