
Here's Looking at You 2006, Part Two: The Me View

Here's looking at you 2006!

Obviously 2006 was a big year for me personally. That whole marriage thing is pretty amazing! I'm loving every minute of it, and I'm excited to focus on new things. Like our house!

I always say I'm not going to... but come the end of the year, I always end up making a resolution of sorts, if only to myself.

This year I'm really hoping to declutter. I want to "streamline my life" so to speak... get rid of all the extra junk laying around, get rid of some of this extra baggage (lol), and just really enjoy the things in life that make me and DH happy, and not the stuff we have just because we've always had it.

Hopefully the working on the house will help with that.

For a quick overview of the year, lets do a meme. Pull out the first line (or so) of the first post of every month:

Congratulations to Slink & Lindsey on your engagement!!!!!!!!!!

February already. January flew by... probably because it was one damn busy month.

Wow, its been busy this week. Saturday was great. I loved getting to see my Babs... and what fun to have four of my favorite people all in the same place, at the same time.

20 points to those of you who can name that song without google... 10 more points if you can list more then one artist who's done it.

Sunday was good. I really got lucky with great, easy kids to sit for.

JUNE! Can you believe it is June already?! Gawh! I feel like I will be washing things forever!

People always ask me about my job... and specifically what I'm going to do about my job.

Is it just me, or is it absolutely insane that it is August already?! This month should be good, and should fly by... the first big event is tonight! I'm so excited for Jimmy Buffett!!!

Is it just me, or did August FLY by?! This week did as well, and in just 3 hours I will be heading to the airport, and two hours after that I will be on a plane to VEGAS.

The Before...

This is a great time of year for me.

Friday! Looking forward to the weekend as always. Babysitting the quads and little Sammy tomorrow, should be nice. But today, today is crazy!

Did you get the impression that I couldn't believe how fast the year was passing?! Well, it's true! This year has gone insanely fast... each year seems to go by quicker then the year before. I don't know how I feel about that. But each year holds so much... both good and bad.

In the good, that whole wedding thing. Plus three other weddings! Jen's baby, and Brian & Stacey expecting one in the new year. Travel, family, friends and fun.

In the bad, losing a friend (maybe two) to what boils down to stupid disagreements and misunderstandings (not something I really wrote about before). I'm hoping the new year will wash some of the feelings from that away.

Tomorrow we're looking forward to ringing in the New Year with some friends over at Ro & Pat's. I hope your celebration is safe and joyous!

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Goodbye 2006... Happy 2007!!

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~ Meegs