Tuesday left Philly (wearing said killer outfit) at 8:30ish to head to DC. Arrived, set up, handled problems... texted my uncle around 11:30 to let him know I was his whenever. Lunched at the Dubliner... VERY tasty, and obviously good company. Back to work at 1:00, until the program ended at 3:30... then gathered stuff, did the whole "thanks for coming thing" until about 4. Headed to the station (Union Station is pretty damn gorg!), picked up some awesome Loaded Baked Potato soup. Got back into Philly around 7... my next train home wasn't until about 8... so I relaxed and read a magazine. Good to get home, but a nice day. I think I bruised the balls of my feet with my damn boots and too thick socks (aka made the boots too tight).
Wednesday, work like normal. Just a busy day, but at least things are calm again until next tuesday (when our next work event is). Stop by payless and get two pairs of shoes. One black work shoe almost exactly like what I have now... minus the scuffs, worn our parts, and creases. Plus a new pair of boots... tan, only a slight wedge on the back (no big heal), more room then the others, and warm! I can actually wear these during the winter, and not freeze or end up with bruised feet. Can't wait to wear them for the first time. Have now done all the shopping I'm allowed to do. Home to wait for the appraiser to come and check out my ring so we can finally add it to our insurence. Wait some more and call. No answer. Wait some more, watch some TV, call and leave an annoyed, but not rude message. Obviously he isn't coming, so relax and watch some more TV. Watch America's Next Top Model which leads to next thought:

If anyone watched last night's ANTM, you'll know that this lovely lady is Anchal. She's Indian, 19, from Florida. Much like my boy, Apoc... well, minus the 19 part.
And she's hot... which pretty much sums up Apoc's type. :-)
I think Apoc would be up to the challenge.
I'm really loving the weather today. Sunny and gorgeous, but with that fall chill to the air. I'm wearing new sweater #2, and am so comfy (while still professional of course). Maybe I'll wear new boots tomorrow with jeans? Hmm...
This is more time then I've ever spent focusing on fashion before. It's tiring, and makes me feel a little dumber. Oh well, I'm comfortable, so I'm happy. Two days until the official beginning of autumn, but for me its already here.
22 days. Wow.
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