Lady, hiding under the pull out bed, at my parents.

Pat at their apartment.

Ro being silly.

The stormy sky in the middle of moving!

Travis and the little hellion.

Teagan and I (please ignore... um, me. i look craptastic in this photo).

This weekend was nice. Too fast, of course, but what weekend isn't. We went to a family picnic at Travis' aunt's house on Saturday... which ended up being an indoor picnic because it POURED like no other. We had to leave in the middle of it so that Trav could get to work... I had trouble seeing to drive. Trav went on to work and I stopped at the Michael's... I was soaked making the 20 foot run into the store from my car, and then about 10 seconds after I got inside, they lost power!! Oh well, I manage to be productive by cleaning the kitchen floor, doing the dishes, and doing some wedding stuff.
Sunday we met up with his mom, the hellion, Willy, and his mom's friend Debbie for breakfast before she left for home. It was nice... and we got to show his mom the invites to the rehearsal dinner which she's going to send out for us, and our favors. Then it was back home for a little before Travis headed off to work. I did some more wedding stuff... addressing and sealing all the rehearsal dinner invites and mailing off two thanks yous for belated shower presents we just got, then prepped for dinner and did more dishes.
When Trav got home we cooked some meat and corn on the grill, made some baked potatoes, and sat down to eat and watch a movie. Then it was time for bed. Oh, and I almost forgot! He surprised me with a gorgeous dress! I haven't been able to find a picture of it, but it is gorgeous and I can't wait to have an event to wear it to. Anyway!
I can't believe it is the last week in July already! This weekend is the shore with Brian and Stacey, which we are definitely looking forward to. Although it is definitely cooler then last week, it is still going to be hovering right around 90* all week.
Well, back to work. We (the girls of my office) have lunch with the wife of one of our coworkers today at noon. He's in Iraq right now, and we want to offer her some support.
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~ Meegs