Anyway, tonight there is no feeling guilty for this girl! :-) I was productive... very productive. Yay! Here is the bread I went out and bought for Travis' sandwiches:

And here is Henry's cage (with Henry hiding in the corner of his hut), freshly cleaned... with new sand, water, and food:

And here is the freshly swept porch (hey, I spilled sand, so I wanted to clean that up... plus all the white concrete dust from the Terminix guy drilling):

And here is our freshly vacumned living room and non-pictured dining room (because who realizes that they can't remember the last time they vacumned, especially while they are sweeping their porch... dear god, if you can clean your porch but not the inside of your house, there is something seriously wrong!):

And here is a tired Meegs:

(I realized that is hard to take a tongue sticking out, eyes closed picture without looking slightly, uh, dead... so I took this one too):

But I think maybe I look better looking slightly dead. Yipes!
So anyway... now I am tired, so I am going to go relax. Well, actually first, I'm going to go do these (yay, even more productive):

...then, I'm going to go relax. Night!
Ps. I don't know which was more impressive... my productivity, or the fact that I took pictures and downloaded pictures all in the same day! Wow.
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~ Meegs