Yesterday flew by! Literally I was doing my thing in the morning, looked at the clock and it was almost 1 already! Ate lunch, went back to work and suddenly it was after 4! I wish all days went like that. Yesterday was also nice because Travis didn't work job #2, so we actually got to relax together. We ate my mediocre lasagna (it was my first try with homemade lasagna... it wasn't bad, but it will have to be tweaked), and lay around together. Tuesday was a busy night: ran lots of errands since Trav was working... Bed, Bath, & Beyond... then the pet store... then the liquor store... then the grocery store! After that it was home to spend about an hour putting together the lasagna, and by that time it was House o'clock (which I was a good FI and taped). Tonight Trav is working as well, so it will be another night at home. I'll probably run another errand or two... but then hopefully I can get some cleaning/straightening done around the house. It's so messy, which I hate... but I don't even know where to start. Grr. Hopefully tonight I can make some headway. Then I will probably do a ton of reading, because I haven't been able to get enough of that lately. I don't want to be a TV junky, so I have been reading a ton... specifically the Kay Scarpetta books by Patricia Cornwell. I'm re-reading them in order this time, and can't wait to get the new one when it comes out at the end of May!! I've read just under half of the books already, in about the past two and a half weeks... so I think I should have no problem getting through the rest in the next month.
Okay, deep breathe. This week really passed by pretty quickly... the weekend is almost here, and you know I love the weekends. This one should be extra relaxing, but I'll leave the details for next week.
I just took a moment to rip off April's page and fill in all the stuff for May on my wall calendar. May is looking busy already, but not a bad busy... lots of birthdays (Rochelle's, my Dad's, Megan V.'s, Travis', and Jan's... in that order), plus my parent's 24th wedding anny, Mother's Day, and Kim & Harry's wedding. I also have a History Institute to work... but it's up here so its not a huge deal.
On a side note: I've decided that, for lack of a better way to say it, I am so over this job... I don't know if it will help or hurt me in the long run that I just don't care anymore, but its nice to realize my true feelings. I'm beyond hating my job... I'm "over it". I don't even care to read the paper anymore. I don't even get excited to discuss Chinese politics. I'm just over all of this and ready to move on.
But until after the wedding, at least, I do need to keep this job! So back to work for me...
Ps. Can I just tell you how much I LOVE this picture (and not just because of my unnatural love for Angelina Jolie).

I hope I am half that gorgeous when I am pregnant.
Oh babies... that is just a whole other can of worms we won't get into right now... ;-)
this week DID go by pretty quickly! i love when that happens, except when i have a million due dates next week! damn! :)
ReplyDeletei hate angelina jolie b/c she broke up jenn's (yeah, we're bff's!) marriage, but damn she looks good!!!
I'm sorry Marta, but it is completely unacceptable that you don't also LOVE my Angelina (forget bffs, she would totally be my luva)... :-)
ReplyDeleteI sorry, but I don't believe that she broke up that marriage. Brad Pitt is a big jerk for leaving Jen, but it was definitely not Angies fault. They might have been having problems for ages before they decided to split.