But, on a nicer note... I found some good ebay buys on friday and saturday. I got some stuff for my bridesmaids (obviously I'm not going to tell, not with Ro and Lauren and possibly Megan lurking about!!). Plus my mommy will be buying me my wedding shoes and bra for Christmas. Yay!
Work is flying by today... we just returned from a meeting at the Westin Hotel, which is where our event is taking place on Thursday evening. Everyone there is wonderful, professional, and I'm so reassured that the night is going to go exactly right. And with a man like Dr. Henry Kissinger, you want everything to be perfect!
Also, keep your thoughts with everyone in florida. My eye is down there for the Wright-Tinsley clan: Mary, Casey, and baby Brenna of course, plus Mary's parents (who appear to be holding down the fort alright), and also for my coworker's parents who are in Miami. It's a sticky situation for my coworker's parents, and hopefully everything will work out for them in the end.
Well, time to run yet again... but my blog surprise is coming very soon! And it is all thanks to Tamara (who is the best!!!)... you'll see you'll see!
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