Shit Ass Ho Muderfooker...
I couldn't believe how bright it was when I woke up this morning... too bright if you ask me for 6:58am on a monday, but it was a nice change from bumping my way down the hall in mostly dark. And I am enjoying the fact that the sun is out and is gorgeous!! Yay.

This is her and Trav at her birthday last year. Ignore Travis' face, he had fallen on it the night before. But enjoy hobag's cleavage, which she lovingly presented.
I also added the picture to the original post (here), so that you can check out my "hoes in a row" if you want. Gorgeous!
Okay, well back to work. I'm already looking forward to friday... Ro & Pat are coming over again. We had a great time last night, and I'm sure this coming weekend will be just as fun.
hiding from the sweeper... ;-)
This morning we met Ro & Pat at a diner for some breakfast then came back here to clean the place up a bit. It actually looks pretty damn good. Gone are the stacks of paper and mail, gone are the boxes all over the place... and we actually have a completely open archway between living room and dining room now! Plus the bathroom has been cleaned, the kitchen wiped down, and the house vacummed. Ro & Pat will be joining us again this evening for some beef stew and some yummy wine that they got on their Murder Mystery/Wine tour... which sounded like a blast. Next year we are definitely going.
Well, I suppose that's all for me for now. I'm just so enjoying the sun, the warmth, the not having to go anywhere or do anything unless we want to... I couldn't not share. Enjoy this beautiful weather, and a relaxing weekend!!!
TGIF!!!!! oh god yes, orgasmic...
these boots were made for walking
one, two, three times a lady. or something like that.
Otherwise, all is normal here. It doesn't seem like your normal fall... but I'm still enjoying it. I wish there was as much color as normal, and that it would rain a bit less, but its still my favorite time of year. Right now I'm thinking about the Tinsley-Wright crew in FL. Fall time is hurricane time down there, and they've certainly seen the bad end of it this year. It seems that they are doing alright for the time though, and hopefully soon power and some kind of normalicy can be returned to their home sweet home. Okay, back to busyness for me...
yes i'm a bitch
Just had to get that out, and now it is done.
a man throws his watch out the window, his wife is surprised and asks why he would do such a thing. he answers, "i wanted to see time fly" HAHAHHAAHHA

But, on a nicer note... I found some good ebay buys on friday and saturday. I got some stuff for my bridesmaids (obviously I'm not going to tell, not with Ro and Lauren and possibly Megan lurking about!!). Plus my mommy will be buying me my wedding shoes and bra for Christmas. Yay!
Work is flying by today... we just returned from a meeting at the Westin Hotel, which is where our event is taking place on Thursday evening. Everyone there is wonderful, professional, and I'm so reassured that the night is going to go exactly right. And with a man like Dr. Henry Kissinger, you want everything to be perfect!
Also, keep your thoughts with everyone in florida. My eye is down there for the Wright-Tinsley clan: Mary, Casey, and baby Brenna of course, plus Mary's parents (who appear to be holding down the fort alright), and also for my coworker's parents who are in Miami. It's a sticky situation for my coworker's parents, and hopefully everything will work out for them in the end.
Well, time to run yet again... but my blog surprise is coming very soon! And it is all thanks to Tamara (who is the best!!!)... you'll see you'll see!
i KNOW it was you...
It is friday, and that makes me very happy. But it is raining and that makes me a wee bit annoyed. Last friday's fun event (an autumn moon hay ride, followed by a bon fire with cider) was postponed to this friday due to rain, and we were supposed to have two friends join us tonight, but now it looks like it will need to be postponed again. Hurmph mightily. Boo rain. But at least I still have my visit with my parents and poor sick puppy to look forward to, and maybe Ro & Pat and Trav & I can do something else this evening. Unless the sun miraculously pops out and dries everything, but I'm not holding my breathe.
I suppose though, if that is all I have to complain about at the moment, then things really aren't that bad.
Honestly I think the worst thing right now is my PMS (minus the P.... hah, i know you needed to know that)... I am craving salty, but honestly if I eat anymore salt I think I will be so fluid filled that I will actually pop. I heart being bloated. Really.
Okay, well off I go. I get to walk thru the rain to deliver a deposit to the bank (for work). Fun fun. But I will leave you with 4 pictures from our trip to Cape Cod this past summer.
The first is of Travis, his two nephews, and niece sitting in front of their Cape Cod house. I love this picture!
This next one is Trav holding the lobster we then proceeded to cook and eat. Yum!
These next two are of the gorgeous sunsets that we saw up there. In the second one, Trav is fishing off the dock.
loving a little, learning a lot
October 16, 2005
Modern Love
Adolescence, Without a Roadmap
AT least he's good-looking," I say to my husband whenever the subject of our oldest son's dating future comes up. And he is good-looking, our son, with his blue eyes, wavy hair, broad shoulders and warm smile. He's also got a deep voice (he works at it) and a gentle manner. It's hard to believe girls won't fall in love with him. And maybe they will.
But he also has autism. When he's tired or sick, he forgets words or uses them incorrectly; often it requires enormous effort just for him to maintain a conversation. It's as if he has no native tongue and essentially has had to memorize our language word by word.
Now he's working on our customs. You see him eagerly watching other kids, looking for clues and lessons, signs he can follow into the world of the average teenager. It's a world he's desperate to be part of. He dresses like them, adopts their gestures, mimics their rudeness and even douses himself, as they do, with Axe deodorant body spray. ("Look at the other kids," we're always telling him. "Watch them, play like them.") He'll be in the middle of a group of kids and they'll laugh. Then he'll laugh, a second too late and too loud. He knows he needs to laugh to fit in; that much he's learned from observation. What he can't seem to learn is what made the joke funny and why everyone gets it but he.
For a long time our son was a little boy with autism, which was a certain kind of challenge. Now that he's a teenager with autism - and a teenager who notices girls - we're faced with something else altogether.
"Hey, Mom?" he says as we're walking out of a store. "That girl was hot." He thinks he's talking in a whisper but he isn't, really, because he has voice modulation problems and has trouble hearing what his own voice sounds like. The lifeguard in the bikini at the beach is also "hot." So is Jessica Alba, whose picture he printed and carefully glued onto his binder, next to a photo of Keira Knightley.
The term "hot" may be an affectation he picked up from his friends, but his appreciation of skinny girls with big breasts seems to be genuine, as we realized when we discovered he'd started using the Internet the way other teenage boys are likely to only when they think no one is watching.
We put content filters on our browser software, and his father sat down with him to go over some basic rules: Wait until you're in love to have sex. Always wear a condom. Hide your pornography where your mother won't find it. He'll remember all this because they're rules, and he's very good at remembering rules.
It's the other stuff - the emotional, heart-stopping stuff - that's going to be hard. I know he wants to find a girl and fall in love. Sometimes people say that kids with autism aren't capable of love. That's ridiculous. My son loves deeply. He just doesn't communicate well. The instincts we rely on when we're first falling in love (being able to sense what someone else is thinking, becoming aware of a sudden connection, anticipating another person's desire) don't come naturally to him.
I want the girls he meets to know that just because he speaks a little oddly and sometimes struggles to understand what they're saying doesn't mean he wouldn't make a great boyfriend. I want them to see what a good heart he has, how he would never manipulate or hurt them, how he would be grateful, obliging and loyal. But how many girls will be able to get past the frustrations of his disabilities to appreciate that part of him?
Would I have been able to?
And these things can't be forced anyway, no matter how good-hearted someone may be.
Last year he got friendly with a girl he met in a social skills class. She was what those of us in the world of special needs describe as "lower-functioning." She attended a special needs school, but even there she felt she was the object of ridicule and abuse. I never knew if her account of insults and cruelties was accurate, but I'd hear my son talking to her on the phone, offering his unwavering support. "That's terrible!" he'd cry out after listening for a while. "They shouldn't do that."
I'd listen to him and think, "What woman wouldn't want a man who comforted her like that, who was willing to listen and believe and always be on her side?" It gave me hope.
In the end, though, he broke up with her, if "breaking up" is even the right term for ending what they had. Her litany of complaints bored him. And in all honesty she wasn't the slightest bit "hot." Although he never mentioned it, I suspect this also may have been a factor in his decision.
Since then, the only girls he's asked out have been at the other end of the spectrum, and they've all rejected him - for the most part (and as far as I know) - quite kindly.
Still, he aims high. Recently he asked out a girl who was already dating the star athlete of the entire middle school, an eighth grader who was captain of the baseball and basketball teams. When I suggested that maybe a girl like her was out of his reach, my son just looked confused. The social intricacies of popularity that separate students into cliques and loners mean nothing to him because they're unstated, unquantified. Most of us just sense them instinctively. He can't.
Obviously I could let myself be crushed by these rejections, especially if he was. But so far he doesn't seem to mind; there's an advantage to his emotional obliviousness. He's still young, though, and none of his friends are really dating, so he probably doesn't feel so left out yet. Still, I worry about whether girls will keep rejecting him throughout high school and into college, while the other kids start successfully pairing off. What if he starts to wonder if anyone will ever love him?
You can, I've discovered, teach your child to make polite conversation (ask questions, listen attentively, then ask more questions), to be a good host (offer refreshments, suggest activities and choose the one your guest says he'll enjoy), to please his teachers (show up on time, behave well in class). But how do you teach him to fall in love with someone who will love him back? What rules can you lay down for making someone's heart leap when she sees you?
When our son's autism was diagnosed at the age of 2½, there was no clear prognosis. We didn't even know if he'd ever learn to talk. But we found talented people to work with him and he improved, slowly at first and then more rapidly. By the time he graduated from elementary school, he had no discernible behavioral or academic problems. People congratulated us. Our son had emerged. Someone met our kids at a party and a friend mentioned that one of them had autism. "Which one?" the person said, genuinely bewildered, and then guessed the wrong child.
BUT that was from a distance. Up close it's clearer that our son is marked and challenged, fundamentally and permanently. And up close is where relationships live. Up close is what love is all about. And sex? Well, that goes without saying.
This leads to what is perhaps the scarier question: What happens when a girl finally says yes? A year or two ago, going out meant nothing more than a kind of glorified play date. But I overhear the kids in his class flirting, and there's a strong edge of sexuality to it. My son's body has matured, and physically, if not developmentally, he's not a little boy anymore.
Just as he's learned our language and our customs with a lot of hard work and memorization, he'll soon have to learn how to navigate the world of sex. But how? Through imitation and observation? Through rules we teach him? No. The same kids he has studied and imitated to gain other social skills are going to be fumbling in the dark themselves, behind closed doors. And in this particular game I don't foresee his father and me doing much coaching from the sidelines. He'll truly have to find his own way.
Then again, I've seen him rise to similar challenges in ways I never anticipated. I was told, for example, that kids with autism can't be empathetic because they're incapable of being able to perceive and relate to someone else's suffering. He can learn that he's supposed to say, "That's terrible!" when someone complains to him about an injustice. But the ability to notice and respond to nuances of another person's emotions and moods isn't supposed to be in his repertory. And it's true that when he was younger I could sob in front of him (something I did all too often back then, I'm afraid), and he would simply continue his play, oblivious to my emotions. Not long ago, however, when I was fixing a snack in the kitchen for all my kids while they sat around the table doing their homework, something about the situation reminded me of my mother, who'd died recently, and I began to quietly cry. My three younger children didn't notice. But my son looked up and said: "What's wrong, Mom? Are you O.K.?" and came over to give me a hug. I literally smiled through my tears.
Somehow he had learned something they said couldn't be taught. I'll take that as a good sign.
Claire Scovell LaZebnik lives in Los Angeles and is an author of "Overcoming Autism."
Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you. Today is a busy day, and it is flying by... It is also the day of the birth of my hobag. Yay! So:
Happy Birthday el Duke of Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got two packages... Travis' and my new Christmas stockings! We have stockings for at my families house, but we wanted ones to hang at our humble abode as well. Care to take a wild guess about what is on those stockings? (did you guess yet?) (how about now?) Well clearly, his is a Steelers stocking, and mine is an Eagles stocking. They're great!
Okay, that's all for me. I have to get back to work. Ciao.
Post #200
sweet ...
Bless The Broken Road
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.
Dear me of the future, 5 years or so.
I feel completely justified in being unproductive, because I had to work both days this weekend. So there.

insanity abounds
now this, this is a good day.
5 years (and one day) ago my friend Stella convinced me to go to a party at a fraternity I'd never been to before. It was called Psi Upsilon, and honestly, I didn't want to go. I didn't know anyone, and I didn't think I would have that much fun. But we went. And within 5 minutes of getting in the door, I had met Travis. We hung out that night, long after Stella had left, talking, listening to music, hanging out with his fraternity brothers, and when it was time for me to leave he kissed me, and said "Come Back Tomorrow".
The next day, Friday the 13th, I headed back to Psi U... a little nervous, very excited.
I don't remember exactly what we did that night. Talked some, hung out with the other guys, played beirut (typical romantic evening... lol), watched some tv, and listened to some music. Your typical college evening. But I remember, that I knew that this was a guy that I could really go for. And he did too, when he sat me on a bar, and asked me if I would be his girl.
Yes, he really asked, and it was very sweet.
We had been together only about a month and a half, when Christmas break came around and he was off to Pittsburgh for a month. It was hard. We went from seeing each other everyday, to talking every two or three days on the phone (and Travis is not a phone person). When we returned, I was scared to go see him. Scared that it would be awkward. Scared that he wouldn't want to be with me anymore.
But the moment we say each other, it was like the month apart hadn't happened. I don't know that I know I loved him at that point, but I knew that I could love him, I knew that I would love him.
I don't know that I can pinpoint exactly when it was that I realized that I did love him... but somewhere between seeing him cry for the first time, at the thought of going to Pittsburgh for the 3-month summer break... (he didn't, he stayed in Philadelphia with his grandfather Willy)... and having him take care of me when I was super sick (he cleaned up my puke, and honestly, at that moment acted as if there was nothing in the world he would rather do)... I did know.
When Psi U became like home, and we had spent sleepless nights unburdening our childhood secrets onto each other.... when we had talked about children and about our hopes... we knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.
When he survived meeting my parents, I didn't do anything too stupid through a week with his, and our families found they rather like each other... well, at that point we knew there wasn't anything we couldn't get through.
A lot has changed since then... there's more bills and less booze, mortgages and impending marriage instead of homework and hell-raising, and 9-5 instead of 10 until you pass out!... but a lot hasn't changed. He still makes me laugh. I still know that I can go to him with anything. And honestly, no one makes me happier.
The next Friday October 13th is next year, 2006. And on that day I will happily pledge, once again, to be his girl. This time, as his wife.
Happy 5 years, love.
You are my best friend and soul mate, you make me so happy. It hasn't always been easy, but it has always, always, been worth it. Thank you for so many great years. Thank you for all those we have yet to experience.
I Love You... always and forever.
From my dad:
i'm not actually gross i swear
Just had to share. :-)
Also, I thought it was funny that last thursday i did the random Allen Ginsberg tribute... and didn't even realize until today that it was the 50th anny of the first reading of Howl, today!
Another side note to "pump you up" a bit. Soon, not sure of the exact time frame, but hopefully soon... I will have a blogger surprise for you. I'm very happy about it and I hope you enjoy it too. But I'm going to be a stinker and not tell you about it until it happens! I know, that was a whole lot of words to say nothing, right?!
Okay, back to the football game. Night!
blah blah blah
today is the first day of the rest of your life... just shoot me now.
That being said, I have to get back to work. Hopefully I will have much happier news to fill you in on when Monday rolls around.
kisses and all that crap.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked...

America the plum blossoms are falling. ... America I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel.
Democracy! Bah! When I hear that word I reach for my feather Boa!
Nobody saves America by sniffing cocaine, jiggling your knees blankly in the rain, when it snows in your nose you catch cold in your brain.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked. ...
who passed through universities with radiant cool eyes hallucinating Arkansas and
Blake-light tragedy among the scholars of war,
who were expelled from the academies for crazy & publishing obscene odes on the
windows of the skull ...
who lit cigarettes in boxcars boxcars boxcars racketing through snow toward
lonesome farms in grandfather night ...
who hiccupped endlessly trying to giggle but wound up with a sob behind a partition in a Turkish Bath when the blonde & naked angel came to pierce them with a
sword ...
ah, Carl, while you are not safe I am not safe, and now you're really in the total animal soup of time-- ...
and who therefore ran through the icy streets obsessed with a sudden flash of the alchemy of the use of the ellipse the catalog the meter & the vibrating plane, who dreamt and made incarnate gaps in Time & Space through images juxtaposed, and trapped the archangel of the soul between 2 visual images and joined the elemental verbs and set the noun and dash of consciousness together jumping with sensation of Pater Omnipotens Aeterna Deus to recreate the syntax and measure of poor human prose and stand before you speechless and intelligent and shaking with shame, rejected yet confessing out the soul to conform to the rhythm of thought in his naked and endless head, the madman
bum and angel beat in Time, unknown, yet putting down here what might be left to
say in time come after death, and rose reincarnate in the ghostly clothes of jazz in the goldhorn shadow of the band and blew the suffering of America's naked mind for love into an eli eli lamma lamma sabacthani saxophone cry that
shivered the cities down to the last radio
with the absolute heart of the poem of life butchered out of their own bodies good to eat a thousand years.
I'm with you in Rockland in my dreams you walk dripping from a sea-journey
on the highway across America in tears to the door of my cottage in the Western
--- first exerpt from "America", last exerpts (from "I saw the best minds..." on) from "Howl"
Why?! Just because.
In other news, once again work is keeping me insanely insanely busy. It rather sucks... but busy is better then bored.
I think.
With the jewish holiday over, the office is once again busy and full. It's a nice change, because honestly it was TOO quiet for the past few days. I know, bitch bitch bitch, moan moan moan. The funny thing was, everyone brought back all their left over holiday yummies. So there is SO MUCH JUNK FOOD in our kitchen right now. You can't even see the table top in there (I took a picture for proof).

Okay, back to it now.
work, my chest, and other topics of interest
Nothing atypical to report today, except for the fact that I have tape on my chest, which is a very funny feeling when you are in fact not used to having tape on your chest (which reminds me of a funny story involving Rochelle, a red dress, some Glad Cling Wrap, and a very attentive boyfriend... but that's another story altogether). Let me explain:
About two months ago I noticed a little spot on my chest, about an inch and a half below my collarbone, and directly above my left nipple. It iched a little, so I just assumed it was a bug bite. Flash forward to last week. It's still there, and while no longer a bump, it is a red blotch about 3/4" in size, and it still iches. Jan notices it and askes me what it is, I explain the above, and she says "oh it's probably skin cancer, you should have it checked out." That's my Jan.
But I decide to make an appointment with a dermatologist just to be sure, plus it was annoying. So Monday I had my appointment, and the women was very nice. She thinks it was a bug bite or some other irritant, and that it got scratched too hard and the skin was unable to heal. So now I have medicated tape that I have to wear on my chest for a month until I see her again. Bleech. I repeat, a very weird feeling.
Anyway. Andy and Megan are back from their honeymoon, and sent Trav and I a link to some pictures...
public service announcements
Welcome October!!

Oh a side note, just curious what everyone thinks of Bush's new pick for Supreme Court... drop me a line and let me know. I'm eager to get other people's opinions on this. Honestly, I don't know what to think. Yea, it is great that he chose a women, but I think its a little odd that he chose one who does not have any judicial experience. He really has no idea how good or bad a judge she will be, and he wants to stick her on the most powerful court in our country.